5 Body Language Tips To Instantly Look More Attractive
Five body language tips to make you look more attractive if you've seen my Blog (smaretochoice) before then you know that I always talk about how important first impressions are like it or not people are constantly creating their own opinions about you a lot of times before a single word comes out of your mouth and let's be honest you're judging people too we all do it it's part of human nature we do it without even realizing we're doing it so let's talk about how you can use your body language to make you look and feel more attractive before a single sound comes out of your mouth.
Starting with tip number one avoid your pockets all right if you want to show confidence in sticking your hands in your pocket is the wrong move it's gonna give the impression that you're shy or even scared it's literally the opposite of being confident the last thing that you want is to look uncomfortable is to look like you're unsure of yourself especially to someone who hasn't even had the opportunity to meet you properly yet so instead of having your hands hidden in your pockets take them out you know to use them for conversational purposes use them to hold something if you have to whether it's your phone your wallet your keys it doesn't really matter that way though people won't think that you're trying to hide your hands..
Number two don't look like the boring group of friends and let me tell you a story that's gonna get explaining this all right I'm sure you can relate to this it's the weekend and you're out with your favorite group of friends right it's supposed to be exciting but sometimes we don't show it very well you go to a bar with our best
friends and we stand there right against the bar looking around trying to find something trying to find someone instead of enjoying the company of who with and guess what that shows people that you and your friend or friends you guys are not fun you're just standing there looking for fun somewhere else that's not attractive at all but if you having fun with your friends if you're laughing if you're chatting telling each other's stories and jokes then people will notice that and they would be very interested to find out what the heck you guys just so happy about I'm not asking you guys to go and fake anything alright but give your friends your full attention face them keep eye contact smile you know and good things will follow naturally and trust me guys girls want to be in the middle of the fun crowd so they will come to you they will want to find out what you're so happy about and to make things better you're actually having fun doing it so it's a win-win so make sure you try this next time you're out with your friends.
Number three kind of a funny one but very true take wide steps when you're walking when you take wide steps it shows others that you're on a mission it gives more purpose all right to your walk it shows more confidence you're on your way you're going somewhere important and that is attractive and when you're taking tiny little penguin steps you know it gives others the impression that you're not confident you just have no plans you don't even know you're going you're unsure of things and I know it might seem like we're overthinking things but it's actually the opposite we as humans we notice that body language and we associate them with those feelings of confidence or fear without even thinking about it it's an automatic thing so walk with purpose show confidence in your steps .
Number four don't cross your arms when you're socializing you know what you're walking into a club and that massively jacked security guard is standing there with your arms crossed right they do not look like the guys you want to approach and have a friendly conversation with I will tell you that right now because their job is to literally intimidate you to look intimidating not to look you want for yourself when you're trying to make friends in a social setting, you cross your arms when you're cold when you're nervous when you're you know on your guard it's a protective posture it's not a friendly approachable one so uncross those arms alright relax a little and hit them with a smile instead.
Guys stop fidgeting alright if you can't keep still you're probably worried about something this is the normal thing to do when you're worried you like finding a place for your hands and there's no place some of us even fidget with our legs I will keep moving them because we're so nervous or excited or anxious fidgeting in any way is a clear sign that you're nervous about something when you're not fidgeting you're cool you're calm you're collected which are all attractive features I actually used to fidget a lot I said to move my hands and move my legs and I had to learn to control myself and what worked for me is this stop everything stop thinking stop moving all of it now shake it off your arms your neck you legs like shake it off and then focus on your breathing and on your posture all right keeping your back straight breathing in and out and feeling the air goes through your nostrils that's it you know to do it a few times a day when you're feeling anxious and you're gonna start actually doing it daily and naturally.
After a while you guys I want to give you a bonus tip here make sure that you stand up straight and keep those shoulders back as often as possible look I'm on my phone and my computer so damn much that I'm actually having posture issues right now so I always stand up super straight if I catch myself slouching like this on my phone or my computer or just walking around I'm gonna come on Ashman like get it together man it's sort of the hardest things because if you've trained your body you know the wrong way then it can take a really long time to change your habits but I'm committed to doing it and if I can do it so can you so together let's remember to tend up stand up straight shoulders back chest out it's better for you to look most importantly it's better for your health.
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